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Our Partners

CCSRC has formed partnerships with leading cancer agencies, private and government-funded organizations, as well as national health organizations to achieve its mandate of promoting survivorship research and knowledge.

Visit the partner sites for more details on their work.

  • Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based organization of staff and volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. 
  • Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) is an independent organization funded by the federal government to accelerate action on cancer control for all Canadians.
  • Canadian Urological Association represents and provides a voice for all Canadian urologists and to foster dedication of all members of the profession toward ensuring the highest possible standard of urologic care for Canadians. The association’s website is specifically written by members to provide important information to patients, their family members, and the general public regarding their urologic health.
  • Alberta Cancer Bridges is a large provincial collection of professionals and survivors with special interest in researching and delivering evidence-based survivorship care.
  • Calgary Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Interest group is comprised of practitioners and teachers in the Calgary area. The group uses a structured group program which teaches individuals the principles of mindfulness to deal effectively with stress, illness, and the demands of life.
  • Tom Baker Cancer Centre Integrative Oncology Program is an evidence-based medical sub-specialty that uses complementary therapies in concert with conventional medical treatment to enhance efficacy, improve symptom control, alleviate patient distress, and reduce suffering.
  • BC Cancer Agency, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority, provides a province-wide, population-based cancer control program for the residents of British Columbia and the Yukon. The Agency accepts patients who have been diagnosed with cancer and are referred by a physician.
  • BC Cancer Agency Provincial Survivorship Program’s mission is to improve the well-being of those living with and beyond cancer in British Columbia and the Yukon. Its goal is to:
    1. Facilitate through collaboration the development of evidence-based care pathways and support services for those living with and beyond cancer
    2. Advocate for and create awareness around survivorship issues
    3. Conduct leading research to evaluate and inform care and services for those living with and beyond cancer.
  • ELLICSR (Electronic Living Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Cancer Survivorship Research) is designed as a collaborative space for research into health, wellness and cancer survivorship. The aim is to better understand the cancer and survivorship experience in order to improve it. ELLICSR looks for fresh new ideas and approaches to improve health and wellness during and after cancer treatment.
© 2016 Canadian Cancer Survivorship Research Consortium
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